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November 13, 2017Cannes Brulee Homes in Kenner, Real Estate Trends
November 13, 2017
Delimon Place Townhomes
Real Estate Trends Over the Last 500 Days
Recent Sales and Averages
Over the last 500 days there have been 7 sales out of the 125 town homes in the neighborhood. The Average sales price is 673,571. The average size of the town homes that sold were 3249 sq. ft. Most of the sales were 3 bedroom and 3 bath units. There was one four bedroom that sold for $785,000.
It is never just about square footage when valuing a property. A lot depends up recent updates and the quality of the town homes. The average days on the market for the 7 sales were less than 30 days. The demand is very high for buyers when priced correctly.
There are currently two town homes on the market for $675,000 and $725,000. Both are 4 bedroom units. They have both been on the market longer than the previous 7 sales.
Some of the unique features of Delimon Place is the clubhouse, swimming pool, and courtyard. The neighborhood is a great place to walk and talk to your neighbors. The common areas are well taken care of and many home owners have some great plants with lots of color.