Real Estate Services in Old Metairie, LA
Old Metairie Real Estate, Metairie Real Estate and Kenner Real Estate have helped Patti and Eric sell over a thousand properties. Experience Matters to Buyer and Sellers. A team approach is a big plus and gives you more energy to help you fill your needs Eric and Patti have years of experience in Listing Homes and Condos with hundreds sold. We also work with hundreds of buyers to get them the best deals possible. Experience Matters! A team with Eric and Patti gives buyers and sellers much more to have done for them.We know a lot about Jefferson Parish because we all live here. Gardner Realtors is the leader in residential sales in Jefferson Parish. We know where the better buys are for homes and condos. Once we sit down and take notes on your needs as a buyer we can narrow the search down to the Best Five! If you are looking for an experienced real estate agent in Old Metairie, LA, look no further.
Selling your home with a team gives us more time and energy to get exposure for you home or condo. Knowing what buyers need to know is an important factor for selling a home.
Real Estate in Old Metairie: A Little Community of its Own!
The prestigious community of Old Metairie, part of the suburban expanse of Metairie, first real suburb of New Orleans, a small part of Jefferson Parish's Metairie
The boundaries of Old Metairie are Airline Highway, Causeway Blvd and the 17th Street Canal. Its commercial district, Metairie Road, filled with small shops, coffee houses, specialty groceries and restaurants, yet most of Old Metairie is primarily residential.
Old Metairie is close to destinations in Metro New Orleans including French Quarter, Central Business District, Medical Schools, Superdome, Hospitals, Airport, Lake Ponchartrain, Mississippi River, Shopping and Restaurants. And so much more!
Zip codes for Old Metairie are 70001 and 70005

Old Metairie Real Estate Map
Real Estate in Old Metairie, LA - Homes and Condos

Metairie,La. Zip Codes 70001,70002,70003,70005,70006
Metairie is a large unincorporated area in East Jefferson Parish. The area stretches from New Orleans to Kenner bounded by Lake Pontchartrain and Airline Highway & the Earhart Expressway. There are a large variety of homes and many, many neighborhoods. There is lots of shopping, playgrounds, schools, eats & drinks, homes, and condos in the entire Metairie Area.
Metairie is home to Lakeside Shopping Center, The Saints and Pelicans Training Camps,Baby Cakes Baseball, Lafreniere Park, and so many more unique shops and places to eat.
There are plenty of homes and condos in Metairie Real Estate Market available to purchase. The Home prices vary by neighborhood, size, lot sizes, age, and the amount of recent updates which have been done. There are few noticeable subdivisions, but lots of different neighborhoods. The Metairie area compared to other Parishes has lower taxes, low insurance, low water bills, good streets, and very few areas which have flooded.

City of Kenner, LA 70062, 70065
The City of Kenner is the largest city in Jefferson Parish. Kenner extends from Lake Ponchartrain to the Mississippi River. It is bounded east and west by Metairie and the St. Charles Parish line. Kenner has many neighborhoods and subdivisions with a large variety of homes,town homes and condos. The team will review all the Kenner Real Estate subdivisions which is rare for the Metro New Orleans area south of the lake.
Kenner does have a large variety of homes and condos in all price ranges.
The City of Kenner has made a commitment to attract more families to all areas with more parks, recreational events, and schools. The newest school (The Discovery and Science Charter School) is in great demand and has met all expectations. The property taxes in Kenner are lower than Metairie,New Orleans,and St. Tammany which is a plus ...also Kenner's police department has an A+ rating as per local residents! Another perk will be the new flood insurance rate for most Kenner properties will be at a lower rate.