Beverly Garden Drive, Old Metairie Homes..Variety of Homes
February 10, 2018Dorrington Blvd. Homes in Old Metairie, Newer Homes & Historic Homes
March 10, 2018
Vincent Avenue Homes
Old Metairie, La 70005

An interesting street that is near the Orleans Parish line. You see a large variety of historic looking homes. Very few are for sale on this steeet. The last 2 sales on Vincent Avenue were in 2015. Both sold within 5 days of being on the market. They sold for 1,789,000 and 1,250,000.
This Avenue has a large variety of home styles which many streets in Old Metairie have in this area. All the houses look different. They all have large yards and sit back off the street. It is always fun to walk and drive the streets to see how many styles exist in this area of town.