Mansions in Old Metairie on Northline Street with Large homes and Lots
October 21, 2020Falcon Road Homes in Old Metairie, Large Lots and Wide Home
January 21, 2021
Old Metairie Exotic Homes on Large Lots
Nassau Drive and Pelham Avenue
A Very Great Neighborhood with Expensive Homes
This is a Old Metairie Neighborhood with lots of unique looking homes with large lots. Not much traffic on these streets. The golf course and Northline Street is on each side of these streets. Many of the homes have garages on the side of the house or in the back yard. Many of these homes have great porches and balconies in the front. There are lots of trees in all the yards. Most of the homes front is not near the street as the front yards are large and many are wide also. These are great yards with lots of nice trees and plants around the house.
This Neighborhood is an easy walk to the Old Metairie Country Club with great tennis courts and lots of large rooms in the main building. The place has a lot of parties and meetings.
We walked down Northline and turned on to these 2 streets to view the homes and amazing yards. We did not see any cars coming on the street the hour we walked up and down after walking on Northline with more cars.